Looking for a janitorial service? A commercial cleaning company? Concerned about the next virus outbreak? We’re not concerned about it because we know what to do. We’re glad that you’re thinking past mold and mildew because they are not your only concerns for maintaining a clean facility and representing a healthy environment for your business or residence. Bacteria and viruses exists anywhere and everywhere. In fact, viruses are tinier than bacteria. Therefore cleaning and disinfecting your environment is integrated into our cleaning procedures at Unique Cleaning Service.

Bacteria can cause infections, but most viruses cause diseases and they’re very specific about the cells they attack. If you have any underlying conditions or the older you are, the more vulnerable you are and more cautious you should be. At Unique Cleaning Service of Vero Beach, we understand how important this is. For that reason, all of our cleaning products from the cleaning sprays, cleaning wipes, and to the floor cleaning liquids we use are antibacterial. And for your comfort we make sure they leave no residue behind.

Virus pandemics can cause chaos and stress. We analyze different forms of cross contamination and take precautions ver serious. For example, there is a way that a virus can sneak into your home without you knowing, this is what we like to call “the Forgotten Zones”. It’s important to remember that aside from surfaces, objects, and doorknobs, bacteria and viruses can also live on your shoes and be easily brought into your home’s floor. The mops we use to clean your floors have a removable head. Between every residence or commercial cleaning that we do, we swap the mop’s head to start with a freshly clean mop-head for the next facility. At the end of the day our cleaning routine includes sanitizing, washing, and cleaning the mop heads with bleach and clorox. You can rest assured that our cleaning supplies and products are 99.9% virus and bacteria free.